
鲍勃·迪伦为同志发声 温情献唱同志爱情歌曲《He′s Funny That Way》

歌曲       He’s Funny That Way

鲍勃·迪伦为同志发声 温情献唱同志爱情歌曲《He′s Funny That Way》

鲍勃·迪伦为同志发声 温情献唱同志爱情歌曲《He′s Funny That Way》

现年76岁的美国唱作家鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan),曾获诺贝尔文学奖以及美国前总统奥巴马颁布的总统自由勋章,近期在一张名为《Universal Love》的EP中开嗓献唱了一首温柔的同志情歌。该EP总共汇集了6名歌手的作品,而鲍勃·迪伦是其中之一,他们将经典歌曲重新演译成同志爱情歌曲并收录在《Universal Love》EP里。

据悉,这是迪伦的第二首同志情歌。他第一首同志情歌是《Jimmy Berman(Gay Lib Rag)》,这首歌是在讲述艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsberg),对一名18岁男孩耍花痴的经过,而当时他已经40岁以上了。

此次迪伦献唱的同志情歌改编自1929年的爵士乐曲《She’s Funny That Way》,这首歌在当时主要是由美国歌手弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)以及纳·京·高尔(Nat King Cole)带红。而迪伦索性将歌名改作《He’s Funny That Way》。

EP执行制作人罗伯特·卡普兰(Rob Kaplan)表示迪伦本人很快地同意了这个合作项目,并针对其中一首歌说:“嘿,我有一个很好的想法!”

“如果你回看流行音乐史,爱情歌曲一直以来围绕的都是异性恋视角。”联合制片人汤姆·墨菲(Tom Murphy)在接受纽约时报(The New York Times)采访时说。



地址 https://music.163.com/#/song?id=549800287

歌曲       He’s Funny That Way

歌词 作曲 : Neil Moret/Richard Whiting
作词 : Neil Moret/Richard Whiting
Once he dressed in silks and lace
And owned a Rolls Royce car
Now he seems quite out of place
Like a fallen star
Race around my kitchen sink
Happy as can be
I’ll just have to stop and think
Why he fell for me
I’m not much to look at
Nothing to see
Just glad I’m living

And lucky to be
I’ve got a man crazy for me
He’s funny that way
I can’t save a dollar
Ain’t worth a cent
He’d never hollar
He’d live in a tent
I’ve got a man crazy for me
He’s funny that way
Though he’d love to work
And slave for me everyday
He’d be so much better off
If I went away
But why should I leave him?
Why should I go?
He’d be unhappy without me, I know
I’ve got a man crazy for me
He’s funny that way
I can see no other way
And no better plan
Than to end it all and let him go
To some other man
When I hurt his feelings once in a while
His only answer is one little smile
I got a man crazy for me
He’s funny that way

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